Susie unexpectedly tied the knot. Her wedding was small and sweet. I finally met the groom... he seems pretty awesome. Best of luck to them.

My brother and Carin finally got married! The wedding was in my parents' backyard. Only immediate family came, so it was intimate and wonderful. It makes a lot of sense to me to have such a small wedding. I think we all felt like we were and will continue to be an important part of my brother and my new hermana's life.
I luf ju, mano!
The big reception will be Christmas night in my folk's backyard. If you know where my house is, you are welcome to join us. :)
wo...two weddings...craziness....!
also, please call me, i want to give you TINY things...please, i have no way of contacting you but really would like to see you...even if for five minutes...please and thank YOU!
kisses and keep partying.
of course! i'm here 'till the 29th. I wanna hang out, so i'll give you a call after the christmas craziness settles.
looks like you're having a great time over there. makes me very glad :) shanghai was one of the best experiences of my life! btw, you MUST go there with kristy! shanghai is ultra kristy, and ross and i'd like to move there in a year or two. te quiero... lemme know when you're coming back and we'll make us some plans. ciao
Now it's ROSS..
Two weddings around Christmas! It's like the season finale of an NBC sitcom. So sweet!
Shanghai was like a sexy shopping dream, only a budget version. The city is just about the most beautiful I've ever seen (really) and is a billion times cleaner than BJ with deco skyscrapers, well dressed people, CLEAR SKIES and old Shanghai 石库们 homes. Glad to be home, though.
你忘了北京吗? 还会说普通话吧? 我觉得一个星期没有中国人很奇怪!
-oh i'm so glad i started reading these b/c i am mentioned in them! yayy!! now that i hear shanghai is "ultra me", i can't wait even more! wooo wooo wooooooo!
-Yes, the 2 miami holiday weddings were lovely. Best of luck to the wonderful new couples! Hopefully i can score me a hubby by next christmas so you can come then too!!
-That pan con lechon looked so good. I am seriously about to go eat one now after seeing that at la esquina del lechon, right by my office (i highly recommend it to all...nw 58 st. and 87th ave.)
-You reminded me i have to send you the pictures you took of the delicious fried food at T.G.I. Fridays.
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