andy and ariel acting excited

Our Thanksgiving feast: sweet wonderous chicken strips, cute tiny sliders and quesadillas con queso extra. Un sangsgiving tan rico que no lo puedo poner en palabras! (poner en palabras? did i just translate that? oops)

Is drinking part of Thanksgiving? I can't remember. I think so.
This thanksgiving was a bit different than last year's. Ariel and I went to Steak and Eggs, which is an American diner (that first opened if Florida, believe it or not). When we arrived, the owner said there was no space for us. Needless to say we were very upset.
Since we were in an area of Beijing that's full of western restaurants (great Russian places) we decided to go with the nearest American restaurant, TGI Fridays. Yes, we spent thanksgiving at Friday's. Ross felt sick and stayed at home, so it was Ariel, our English friend Andy and I who celebrated Thanksgiving at the great American restaurant chain. It felt like America.
Well, no turkey for me this Thanksgiving. But a lot of cheesy appetizers & 2 long island ice teas later and all is forgotten. I hope all of you had as wonderful a thanksgiving as I did. Please, eat a leftover turkey sandwich in my name!
你没吃过火鸡的话,你下个感恩节去个美国朋友的家或者美国餐厅吃吧。 感恩节有好多很好吃的菜 有土豆泥, 南瓜派, 地瓜,等等。 好吃死叻
SilviaElena, did you forget to include the pictures, or it's an error?
Love you and missed you in Thanksgiving.
I uploaded the pictures again. Hope you can see them:)
i'm so happy you kids were able to have a semi-american thanksgiving, even though you had no turkey. steak and eggs would have been awesome! but it's always friday when you're at fridays!
Kristy, what a slogan! "It's always Friday when you're at Fridays". Wow! Sell it. Your friend Andy is wearing a Jeep top. How Llopis of him.
where was ross...there is no mention of it? weird? maybe not...!
you guys make me smile with your burgers and fridays and long island ice teas...hooray...hurray...whoray...?
:( ross was feeling sick, so he didn't come:(
It was a lonely thanksgiving...
we realized on thanksgiving that we don't have any american friends.
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Hello. And Bye.
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