I learned how to say thank you in Shanghainese. It is sia-ya-nong! or 下牙农!呵呵:)
here are some pictures...

huge rat lanterns in a place called Yuyuan near old Shanghai street (上海老街)

one of many small drawings of insects at the shanghai art museum 上海美术馆

us 3

The Chinese use the peace sign when taking pictures, but they mean it as a 'V' for victory!
more soon../.
More pictures, please.
I wonder if you were as excited by Shanghai as Ross and Ariel were? We heard all about the Xmas visit when Ross was in NYC. I was so sorry to see him go! We had a great visit. I'll be in Miami in a few weeks to see the fabulous Leif ...and his entourage...:)!
A word on Avocado Green- I was a Florida teenager in the 70's, and I can tell you that you had three choices for your kitchen appliances- Avocado Green, Harvest Gold (we had that one), or a sort of orangey red (I don't know the color name for that one, and it dosen't really count because almost no one picked it) It wasn't that everyone just loved these colors- you really couldn't pick anything else, because they didn't MAKE anything else then. It wasn't like today with thousands of different choices...although stainless seems to be becoming the Avocado green of the 21st century.
Enough already...:)
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